New Website And Our Very First Blog

Joseph Diodati - Managing Director

Welcome to the first ever On Road Finance blog, launching simultaneously with our brand new website!

My name is Joseph Diodati, the managing director of On Road Finance Pty Ltd and I would love to personally thank you for visiting the new site, reading this blog and being a part of the On Road Finance family.

With over 6 years of experience as an asset finance broker, my knowledge and expertise in the industry will assist you in making the right decision when purchasing a new or used car, bike, boat or caravan and essentially providing you with the general advice in sourcing the best and cheapest finance options to meet your requirements.

You’ll be hearing and seeing more from me! On a weekly basis, I will be posting new blogs right here on the website and sharing through social media outlets. These blogs may provide you with insights in the car market, advice on how to achieve a better finance deal, tips and tricks of the trade and more.

Until then, feel free to browse around the site and leave me some feedback at


Joseph Diodati

Managing Director

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