A personal loan is your typical type of unsecured loan, where the lender will provide you with the funds to make a purchase of your liking. On Road Finance customers prefer a personal loan when they want to borrow a specific amount of money to use for whatever purchase they need.
With an On Road Finance personal loan you can fund your next holiday, home renovations, car repairs, furniture, computers, medical, dental and cosmetic surgery, sporting equipment, debt consolidation and more!
This calculator is provided as a tool to assist customers in estimating the repayment amount at a user specified interest rate and loan term. Figures in this tool may not include all fees and charges in carrying out a loan product. Your correct interest rate depends on the amount borrowed, your personal circumstances and credit history. On Road Finance Pty Ltd is under no obligation to offer finance at the rate, repayment or loan term of this calculator. For a more precise quote, please contact On Road Finance on 1300 518 580.
The minimum amount for a personal loan is $2000. The maximum amount you can borrow is subject to lending criteria and will also depend on your current financial affordability.
For a no-obligation quote to calculate how much you can borrow, please complete our online application or contact an On Road Finance specialist on 1300 518 580 today!
Due to the risk involved with an unsecured loan (personal loan), the credit providers only assist applicants with good credit history.
You may be better off applying for a secured loan instead.
No, there are no early payment penalty fees with personal loans. This is the one advantage of a personal loan compared to a secured loan.
Generally the credit providers will ask for supporting documents such as 100 points of ID (Drivers licence, Medicare card, passport or birth certificate), two latest payslips and 3 months of bank statements.
You can apply for an On Road Finance personal loan today by submitting an online finance application form or by contacting our team of brokers on 1300 518 580.
For any further questions, leave your contact details here and one of our friendly staff will be in contact as soon as possible.