Posts Tagged ‘insurace’

Insurance Options When Financing A Car

car accidentHere’s a question for you – if you were involved in a horrible accident, or if your vehicle broke down and required expensive repairs, or if you were to suffer unexpected financial hardship, would you be able to meet your financial responsibilities and continue making finance repayments?

For most people, the answer is no.

Fortunately, On Road Finance doesn’t only provide finance options for our clients; we also assist with insurance and warranties! This blog explains each of the insurance products and how it may benefit you.

Comprehensive Insurance

Comprehensive insurance is compulsory by law if you take out finance on a secured vehicle.

Also known as “full insurance”, comprehensive insurance is the highest level of protection you can get for your vehicle. The insurance covers you in the unfortunate and unexpected events like accidents, fire, theft, hail damage, flood damage, vandalism and more.

Extended Warranty

New vehicles come with manufacturer’s warranty as required by Australian law. These manufacturer warranties typically expire after 3 years, but sometimes up to 7 years, depending on the asset type and manufacturer.

Extended warranties are designed for near new and used assets and cover you in the event of an unexpected mechanical or electronic failure.

On Road Finance provide different levels of cover for different asset types, asset age and kilometres driven, ranging from 1 to 5 years.

These extended warranties allow you to have your vehicle repaired at a repairer of your choice, Australia-wide!

Guaranteed Asset Protection

Also known as GAP Insurance or Shortfall Insurance, Guaranteed Asset Protection is designed to pay the credit provider any outstanding loan balance, where the total loss payment made by the comprehensive motor vehicle insurer is insufficient to pay the loan contract.

For example, imagine your two year old car gets rear-ended and your insurance company declares your vehicle a “write off”, and then pays your credit provider (because they have interest on the vehicle title) the current market value of the vehicle, which is $15000. Your loan balance was $20000. This means you still have the balance of $5000 owing to the finance provider for a vehicle you no longer have.

With a Guaranteed Asset Protection Insurance, this shortfall of $5000 will be paid to the credit provider, relieving you of the loan and allowing you to purchase your replacement vehicle, stress free.

Loan Termination Insurance

LTI can help reduce the stress of struggling to make your loan repayments. You could choose to hand your vehicle back to the dealer and cancel the loan.

If you prefer to hold onto the vehicle, Loan Termination Insurance can make lump sum payments to your credit provider, up to an agreed amount depending on the cover you select, on your behalf.

HardshipConsumer Credit Insurance

Also known as Loan Protection Insurance, a CCI covers your finance repayments when you are unable to work due to accident, injury, disability, involuntary unemployment and even death.

If the unexpected strikes, have peace of mind knowing that a Consumer Credit Insurance will continue to pay your loan until you are fit and ready for work again.

Roadside Assistance

When your vehicle breaks down, what do you do? With Roadside Assistance, help is just a phone call away, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

On Road Finance has access to Australia’s best Roadside Assistance companies, offering great roadside services Australia-wide. Services include roadside mechanical repairs, locksmiths, jump-starting batteries, towing and more.


To check if you qualify for any of the above insurance products, or if you have any further questions, contact us here or call On Road Finance on 1300 518 580.

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